slow food feast

Slow Food Movement Grows Where Women’s Rights Are Strong

BRA, Italy, March 8, 2024 (ENS) – “Inspire Inclusion” is the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day. Celebrated annually on March 8, which this year falls on Friday, organizers are exploring the connection between nutritious, healthy food and the work of women in the growing, harvesting, cooking, and serving of that food. […]

women shoppers processed meats

Feeling Depressed? Put Down Those Ultra-processed Foods

BOSTON, Massachusetts, November 13, 2023 (ENS) – Everybody knows what ultraprocessed foods are – sweet snacks, ready-to-eat meals, fats and sauces, ice cream, savory snacks, cookies and chips, ham, sausages, artificial sweeteners. They can tickle the tastebuds, but new research links them with depression. […]

Black Sea grain ship inspectors

Hungry Millions Held Hostage, Black Sea Grain Deal Collapses

ISTANBUL, Turkiye, July 23, 2023 (ENS) – Intensifying the food insecurity across much of Africa, the Russian government is weaponizing food in its war on Ukraine. Moscow pulled out of the Black Sea Grain deal last week and is now warning that any ships traveling to Ukraine’s Black Sea ports will be seen as potentially carrying military cargoes. […]

lab-grown chicken

Tasting the Future: Chicken Meals That No Chicken Died For

SAN FRANCISCO, California, June 23, 2023 (ENS) – Two California companies, Upside Foods and Good Meat, the cultivated meat division of food technology company Eat Just, Inc., have received approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for their cultivated chicken, to enter interstate commerce. This clearance, granted Wednesday, means that cultivated chicken, made directly from animal cells, can now be sold to American consumers. […]

woman picking squash

Squash Bee Populations Growing Fast While Other Bees Fail

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pennsylvania, April 4, 2023 (ENS) – Numbers of bees and other pollinator species have declined worldwide, as these insects suffer due to pesticides and pathogens, likely amplified by climate change, yet one bee species is showing rapid population expansion. The keys to this insect’s success are its attraction to pumpkins, zucchinis, marrows and gourds, and the massive increase in cultivation of these crops across North America over the last 1,000 years. […]

coffee at sunrise

Long Live the Coffee Drinkers – Instant, Decaf or Brewed!

SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France, October 2, 2022 (ENS) – Drinking two to three cups of coffee every day is linked with a longer lifespan and lower risk of heart disease and stroke compared with avoiding coffee, finds research published in the current issue of the “European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.” […]


Humans Shown to Have ‘Surprising’ Nutritional Wisdom

BRISTOL, UK, April 26, 2022 (ENS) – Pioneering research by a British-led team has shed new light on what drives people’s basic food preferences. It shows that our choices may be smarter than previously understood – that we make choices driven by the need for specific nutrients, rather than by the need for calories alone. […]


Hunger Stalks the World as Russia Bombs Europe’s Breadbasket

ROME, Italy, March 13, 2022 (ENS) – While global attention is on Russia’s attack on Ukraine and its horrific humanitarian consequences there, a hidden hunger emergency is overwhelming South Sudan – an emergency intensified by the Russian bombardment of Ukraine, thousands of kilometers away. […]


Food Swaps Can Radically Change a Diet’s Carbon Footprint

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, January 14, 2022 (ENS) – Americans who eat beef could slash their diet’s carbon footprint as much as 48 percent by swapping just one serving a day for a more planet-friendly alternative, finds a new study published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.” […]


Even Bleached-out Coral Reefs Can Yield Nutritious Seafood

LANCASTER, UK, January 9, 2022 (ENS) – Coral reefs damaged by rising ocean temperatures appear to be more resilient than scientists have realized. An international team studying damaged reefs has discovered an unexpected bright spot of hope for communities who depend upon coral reef fisheries for food security. […]


Junk Food Has a Higher Carbon Footprint Than Nutritious Food

LEEDS, UK, December 2, 2021 (ENS) Cutting out that sugary morning pastry and those fries for lunch might help fight the climate crisis, new research from the University of Leeds has concluded. Many less nutritious foods and drinks account for nearly a quarter of diet-related greenhouse gas emissions… […]


Marshall Islands Key to Sustainable Global Tuna Industry

MAJURO, Marshall Islands, October 17, 2021 (ENS) – In an advance for tuna conservation, Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, has chosen Pacific Island Tuna, based in the Marshall Islands, to supply sustainably-certified canned skipjack tuna for its in-house brand, Great Value. […]


Reinventing the Future of Food

AMHERST, Massachusetts, January 7, 2021 (ENS) – Technologies like 3-D printing and lab-based meat now enable us to create food in new ways that have left the whole world with an array of new possibilities. “There are so many exciting things going on in the food science area,” says David McClements, professor of food science at the University of Massachusetts. […]


Tonnes Seized as Pandemic Motivates Food Fraud

LYON, France, July 31, 2020 (ENS) – Dairy products contaminated with bacteria, meat from illegally slaughtered animals and food products falsely labeled as medicinal cures were all part of more than US$40 million worth of potentially dangerous fake food and drink seized by police and customs officers in an Interpol-coordinated action. […]