Daimler hydrogen fuel cell truck
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European Union to Phase Out Heavy-Duty Diesel Trucks

BRUSSELS, Belgium, January 18, 2024 (ENS) – European lawmakers today agreed on emission targets for the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) from heavy-duty vehicles that will phase out almost all sales of new diesel trucks by 2040. After passenger cars, heavy-duty vehicles are the second biggest transport polluter in Europe. […]

electric school bus
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Electric School Buses Have Another Billion-Dollar Year

WASHINGTON, DC, January 9, 2024 (ENS) – Imagine waiting for the school bus – you’re trying to remember algebra for a test, you didn’t get much sleep because of your asthma, and the diesel school bus pulls up, reeking of emissions, making it hard for you to breathe again today. […]

2019 RAM 2500 truck
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Cummins Fined Record $1.6B for RAM Emissions Defeat Devices

COLUMBUS, Indiana, December 31, 2023 (ENS) – Installing emissions defeat devices on hundreds of thousands of engines over the past decade will cost engine manufacturer Cummins Inc. $1.675 billion to settle claims that it violated the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Justice Department has announced. […]

Biden GMC Hummer EV
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Biden Again Strengthens Vehicle Emissions Standards

WASHINGTON, DC, April 13, 2023 (ENS) – The benefits of the “most ambitious pollution standards ever,” will top costs by US$1 trillion, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency promised Tuesday, announcing new, stricter vehicle pollution standards to make all cars and trucks on U.S. roads cleaner and more efficient. […]

Rush Hour Berlin
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EU Moving to Stricter Euro 7 Vehicle Emission Standards

BRUSSELS, Belgium, November 13, 2022 (ENS) – Reducing emissions from new motor vehicles sold in the EU to meet the European Green Deal’s zero-pollution goal, while keeping vehicles affordable for consumers and promoting Europe’s competitiveness is a tall order. Even so, the European Commission has presented a proposal that attempts to accomplish it. […]

Ford F-150 Lightning
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Electric Car Buyers Worldwide Purchase to Protect the Planet

LONDON, UK, August 3, 2022 (ENS) – The electric vehicle market is opening quickly now around the world, making it possible to come up with a consumer portrait of the most likely buyers of electric cars, trucks, and delivery vans. A similar profile has emerged from two very different recent studies – buyers are likely to be male, young, and environmentally conscious. […]

bus Washington, DC
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U.S. Capital Bus Fleet Under Public Pressure to Decarbonize

WASHINGTON, DC, May 20, 2022 (ENS) – Coming together as the Metro Electric Bus Coalition, public health, environmental, and faith groups are pressuring the new Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, WMATA, to scrap the plan the previous board approved last June in favor of electric buses. […]

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USA and China Create World’s First Green Shipping Corridor

LOS ANGELES, California, February 10, 2022 (ENS) – Los Angeles and Shanghai have initiated a partnership of cities, ports, shipping companies, and cargo owners in China and the United States to create a first-of-its-kind green shipping corridor across the Pacific Ocean on one of the world’s busiest container shipping routes. […]

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U.S. Electric Truck Maker Rivian Expands as Orders Pour In

IRVINE, California, January 28, 2022 (ENS) – Rivian, the California-based startup manufacturer of electric trucks, SUVs, and delivery vans, plans to expand, locating a second U.S. factory in the state of Georgia, but expansion doesn’t mean the company is forsaking its green values. […]

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U.S. Clean Air Enforcers Win Defeat Device Convictions

WASHINGTON, DC, August 31, 2021 (ENS) – Electric vehicles are on their way to widespread acceptance, but as of June 2021, cumulative sales in the United States totaled just 1.98 million highway legal plug-in electric cars since 2010. Meanwhile, many U.S. drivers prefer diesel, be it clean – or not. […]

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To Reduce Vehicle Pollution, a Single Atom Will Do

RICHLAND, Washington, August 18, 2021 (ENS) – Your ride might be a modest one, but if it burns gasoline, you have precious metals on board. To reduce pollution at the tailpipe, gasoline cars and trucks today come equipped with catalytic converters that contain platinum-group metals such as rhodium and palladium. […]

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Biden Drives EV Demand With 2030 Net-Zero Emissions Ambitions

WASHINGTON, DC, August 6, 2021 (ENS) – President Joe Biden leaves no doubt about his administration’s policy on electric vehicles. “America must lead the world on clean and efficient cars and trucks,” he declared in an Executive Order Thursday. “That means bolstering our domestic market by setting a goal that 50 percent of all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in 2030 be zero-emission vehicles […]

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30 Innovative Project Winners Ease British Rail Shakeup

LONDON, UK, July 2, 2021 (ENS) – A host of new technologies to encourage rail passengers to ride British trains again post-COVID-19 have received UK government financial backing as part of the Department for Transport’s 2021 “First of a Kind” competition. […]