Vatican agroelectric site

‘Light of the World’ to Be Solar Powered at the Vatican

ROME, Italy, July 21, 2024 (ENS) – Pope Francis has kickstarted the Vatican’s plan to become a solar nation that he detailed in an Apostolic Letter entitled “Fratello sole” or Brother Sun. The plan is to use land outside Rome that the Vatican already owns to construct an agrivoltaic plant that will power the entire city-state. […]

Earth Hour Coliseum dark

Earth Hour Evolves Into the Biggest Hour for Earth

SINGAPORE, March 21, 2024 (ENS) – Across the world, people by the millions will be turning off their lights – going dark for one hour on Saturday, March 23, starting at 8:30 in the evening local time – to give the planet a rest. It’s Earth Hour, a global movement organized by the World Wildlife Fund, WWF, that has attracted more participants year by year since the first Earth Hour in March 2007. […]

wind turbine

U.S. Offshore Wind Power Development in Turmoil

RICHMOND, Virginia, November 15, 2023 (ENS) – Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, the European supplier that leads the global market for offshore wind turbines, has suspended plans to build a US$200 million turbine blade factory at Virginia’s Portsmouth Marine Terminal, a major container port. […]

Kern River oilfield

California Sues Big Oil for Decades of Climate Deception

OAKLAND, California, September 18, 2023 (ENS) – Alleging decades-long campaigns of deception and statewide climate change-related damage in California, the State Friday filed a lawsuit against five of the world’s largest oil and gas companies: Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and BP, and the trade association the American Petroleum Institute. […]

Crescent Dunes solar

Renewables Share of U.S. Generating Capacity Sets Records

“The mix of solar, wind and other renewables is now comfortably out-producing both coal and nuclear power,” concludes Ken Bossong, executive director of the nonprofit Sun Day Campaign’s from his office in Takoma Park, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC. Bossong, a veteran renewable energy campaigner… […]

ConocoPhillips Alaska

Conservationists Sue to Stop ConocoPhillips Alaska Oil Venture

ANCHORAGE, Alaska, March 16, 2023 (ENS) – Warning that the U.S. government’s environmental review fails to account for the full climate impact of oil development in Alaska, five of America’s largest conservation groups have filed a lawsuit to stop ConocoPhillips’ Willow oil project in the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska, which the Biden Administration approved Monday. […]

wind turbines UK

Global Net Zero Carbon Energy by 2050 Possible, Profitable

OXFORD, UK, September 13, 2022 (ENS) – Transitioning to a decarbonized energy system by around 2050 is expected to save the world at least US$12 trillion (£10.4 trillion), compared to continuing the current levels of fossil fuel use, according to a peer-reviewed study by Oxford University researchers, published in the journal “Joule” today. […]

Zaporizhzya Nuclear Power Plant

After Shelling, Putin Allows IAEA Into Ukraine Nuclear Plant

VIENNA, Austria, August 22, 2022 (ENS) – The office of French President Emmanuel Macron said Friday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has “reconsidered” his original demand that International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, inspectors travel through Russia to inspect Europe’s largest nuclear facility – the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southeastern Ukraine. […]

Palen Solar Project

Solar Power Extended to 116,000 More California Homes

PALM SPRINGS, California, August 15, 2022 (ENS) – The Palen Solar Project, a 457-megawatt photovoltaic facility in Riverside County, California, has reached full power operation, the Department of the Interior has announced. The project – which will supply enough energy to power approximately 116,000 homes and includes 50 megawatts of battery storage – helps lower energy costs for families and bring about a clean energy, carbon-free future. […]


Solar, Wind, and Hydro Power in New York City’s Future

ALBANY, New York, April 19, 2022 (ENS) – To deliver clean, renewable solar, wind and hydroelectric power from upstate New York and Canada south to fossil-fuel powered New York City, the State Public Service Commission has approved contracts with Clean Path New York LLC for its Clean Path NY project and H.Q. Energy Services Inc. for its Champlain Hudson Power Express project. […]


U.S. to Defuel and Close Leaking Pearl Harbor Fuel Facility

HONOLULU, Hawaii, March 8, 2022 (ENS) – The underground Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility in the hills above the Pearl Harbor Naval Station on Oahu will be de-fueled and permanently closed, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced Monday. The facility holds more than 100 million gallons of fuel in support of U.S. military operations in the Pacific, […]


U.S. Turns to Nuclear Power as States Phase Out Fossil Fuels

WASHINGTON, DC, January 30, 2022 (ENS) – Two-thirds of U.S. states are considering how to safely install nuclear power to replace the coal, oil, and gas that are being phased out to prevent the worst consequences of climate change, a survey of the energy policies in all 50 states and the District of Columbia has found. […]


French Companies Develop Offshore Green Hydrogen Production

PARIS, France, December 2, 2021 (ENS) – The world’s first floating wind turbine with an integrated hydrogen production system onboard has advanced one step closer to realization. Known as the Nerehyd™, the offshore green hydrogen facility is the result of a new partnership between two French companies […]


Strong Winds to Spin Power Turbines for Vietnam, Laos

TOKYO, Japan, June 22, 2021 (ENS) – Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation has just boosted development of what will be Southeast Asia’s largest onshore wind farm in southern Laos, by announcing a major investment in the project. Power from the wind farm will be sold to Vietnam Electricity […]


Thousands Block Oil Pipeline at Mississippi River Headwaters

BEMIDJI, Minnesota, June 7, 2021 (ENS) – In Minnesota’s largest ever anti-pipeline mobilization, water protectors Monday morning halted construction of Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands crude oil pipeline. Over 1,000 people marched with Indigenous leaders to the headwaters of the Mississippi River for a treaty ceremony […]