sharks, sunset, Maldives
Latest News

EU Hosts Global Ocean Meetings, Sets Goals, Raises Billions

BARCELONA, Spain, May 5, 2024 (ENS) – The 2024 Ocean Decade Conference, held in Barcelona from April 10 to 12, attracted over 1,500 participants from 124 countries and thousands of online viewers. Under the theme “The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want,” this conference emerged as one of the largest-ever gatherings of the global oceanic community. […]

humpback whale

A World First: High Seas Treaty Signed By 80 Governments

NEW YORK, New York, September 22, 2023 (ENS) – The hard-won High Seas Treaty, the first agreement to protect the two-thirds of the world’s oceans beyond national jurisdiction, was opened for signature by United Nations Member States on September 20 at UN Headquarters in New York. Signing up enthusiastically, 80 countries and the European Union indicated their support […]

reef sharks
Latest News

State of the Oceans Alarms World Leaders

LISBON, Portugal, July 1, 2022 (ENS) – Heads of state, world leaders, and government officials wrapping up their week-long meeting in Lisbon at the UN Ocean Conference admitted to being “deeply alarmed by the global emergency facing the ocean.” Across the planet, coastal erosion, rising sea levels, warmer and more acidic waters, marine pollution, overexploitation of fish populations and a steep decline in marine biodiversity are getting worse… […]

Latest News

Extreme Storms May Protect Beaches Against Sea-level Rise

SYDNEY, New South Wales, Australia, May 17, 2022 (ENS) – Climate change is making storms more intense and destructive, but the impact of extreme storms is not wholly negative, an international team of researchers has learned. Sand movements stirred up by extreme weather events could help protect beaches from the impact of sea-level rise by bringing in new sand from deeper waters or from nearby beaches. […]


Answering the Imperiled Ocean’s Silent Cries for Help

BREST, France, February 25, 2022 (ENS) – “Immense, restless and wild,” the ocean is beset by dangers, but solutions do exist and Europe is ready to lead the way to healthier seas, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told attendees at the high-level segment of the One Ocean Summit in Brest on February 11. […]

Latest News

World’s Most Daunting Ocean Project: Mapping Entire Seafloor

TOKYO, Japan, January 15, 2022 (ENS) – Much has changed since the early days of oceanic bathymetry, the study of the seafloor, when simple soundings were taken by hand with a rope and weight. Today, an international effort led by Seabed 2030 is underway to precisely map the entire ocean floor by the end of the decade… […]

At Risk

Undersea Volcano Erupts in Tonga, Triggering Pacific Tsunami

HONOLULU, Hawaii, January 15, 2022 (ENS) – A tsunami advisory was issued across the Pacific for the coasts of Australia, Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington after an undersea volcano erupted Friday night in the Tonga Islands, sending huge tsunami waves breaking onshore and people scrambling to higher ground. […]

Latest News

Ocean Protection Gets Financial, Technical & Management Talent

ARLINGTON, Virginia, August 9, 2021 (ENS) – A new ocean conservation initiative is gathering force to protect 18 million square kilometers (seven million square miles) of the ocean over the next five years – an area twice the size of the continental United States and larger than the continent of South America. […]

Latest News

Puerto Rican Jailed for Trafficking Protected Corals

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, February 25, 2021 (ENS) – A Puerto Rican man has been sentenced to a year and a day in federal prison for felonies involving the trafficking and false labeling of protected reef creatures in an effort to avoid Puerto Rican laws developed to protect sea life on coral reefs. […]

dead killer whale
Latest News

The Killing of Killer Whales

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada, December 9, 2020 (ENS) – When marine predators themselves face mortal threats, researchers at the University of British Columbia studying orca deaths in Pacific Ocean waters believe that human tampering with the ocean is to blame. […]