glacier melting

Athabaskan Council: Arctic Warming Violates Our Human Rights

WHITEHORSE, Yukon, Canada, April 23, 2013 (ENS) – The Arctic Athabaskan Council today filed a petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, requesting a declaration that Canada is undermining the human rights of Athabaskan peoples by allowing emissions of black carbon to warm the Arctic. […]

President Obama

Earth Day in the USA: 2013

WASHINGTON, DC, April 22, 2013 (ENS) – “We cannot afford to ignore what the overwhelming judgment of science tells us: that climate change is real and that it poses an urgent threat to our people and our planet,” President Barack Obama said Saturday as he proclaimed April 22 to be Earth Day 2013. […]


Keystone XL Pipeline Would Hasten Climate Change: Report

WASHINGTON, DC, April 16, 2013 (ENS) – In a new report, “Cooking the Books: How The State Department Analysis Ignores the True Climate Impact of the Keystone XL Pipeline,” environmental groups and scientists opposed to the pipeline warn of “climate disaster” if President Barack Obama approves it. […]

Greenpeace, North Pole

Greenpeacers Lower Flag, Time Capsule Beneath North Pole

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, April 15, 2013 (ENS) – Four trekkers on a mission with Greenpeace International planted a flag on the seabed beneath the North Pole on Sunday. The flag is attached to a time capsule with the names of 2.7 million people who joined the Save the Arctic campaign. […]

James Hansen

NASA’s Top Climate Scientist Retires to Activist Life

NEW YORK, New York, April 3, 2013 (ENS) – America’s most outspoken climate scientist, James E. Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has announced he is retiring as director of the cutting-edge Earth climate research laboratory and leaving government service. […]

Houston traffic

U.S. EPA Raises Standards for Clean Fuels, Vehicles

WASHINGTON, DC, April 1, 2013 (ENS) – New rules to reduce air pollution from cars and trucks proposed Friday by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will soon be open for public comment. The Tier 3 standards would set new vehicle emissions standards and lower the sulfur content of gasoline in 2017 […]

damaged homes

Poll: Live on High-Risk U.S. Coastline? Prepare and Pay

WASHINGTON, DC, March 28, 2013 (ENS) – The overwhelming majority of Americans in a new public opinion poll support stronger building codes to minimize damage from climate-induced sea level rise and extreme weather, but they don’t think taxpayers should foot the bill. […]


Low-Income, Minority Californians Suffer Worst Asthma

SACRAMENTO, California, March 21, 2013 (ENS) – Low-income, racial and ethnic minority populations in California are exposed to greater levels of air pollutants than higher-income, Caucasian populations. New research shows a result they suffer more asthma-related difficulties. […]

anglers, fish

Hunters, Anglers Urge Obama to Act on Climate Change

WASHINGTON, DC, March 15, 2013 (ENS) – Hunters and anglers from across the United States are concerned about the impact of climate change on wildlife and natural resources and also on the U.S. hunting and angling economy, worth roughly $120 billion a year. […]


Keystone XL Pipeline Gets Upbeat Analysis From State Department

WASHINGTON, DC, March 4, 2013 (ENS) – The controversial Keystone XL pipeline would “not likely result in significant adverse environmental effects,” the U.S. State Department said late Friday in a new draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Scientists and environmental groups disagree with that assessment. […]

rally flag

‘Forward on Climate’ Rally Draws Nearly 50,000

WASHINGTON, DC, February 17, 2013 (ENS) – Tens of thousands of people from across the country rallied in the nation’s capital on this chilly day to demand that President Barack Obama block TransCanada’s Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and move forward on climate action. […]