At Risk

UN Forces Rescue Hundreds from DRC National Park

KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of the Congo, September 12, 2016 (ENS) – Acting on humanitarian grounds at the request of the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Nations mission in the country has “extracted” hundreds of individuals from a national park in the DRC. […]


Australia’s Rules for Giant Adani Coal Mine “Inadequate”

CANBERRA, Australia, September 12, 2016 (ENS) – The Adani Group is moving ahead with its A$16 billion Carmichael coal mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin, despite a new report by conservation groups that finds the conditions the federal government set when it approved the mine are “inadequate and will not protect the environment as claimed.” […]


Brazil Ratifies Paris Climate Agreement

BRASILIA, Brazil, September 12, 2016 (ENS) – Brazil’s new president, Michel Temer, today ratified his country’s adoption of the Paris Climate Agreement, which sets greenhouse gas emissions targets to stop the global temperature from rising beyond 2°C above pre-industrial levels by 2100. […]


California Sets Strictest GHG Reduction Targets

SACRAMENTO, California, September 9, 2016 (ENS) – Ten years after California adopted the toughest greenhouse gas emission reduction goals in the nation, Governor Jerry Brown Thursday strengthened that commitment, signing two bills that require the state to cut emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. […]


VW Explores Making EVs With State-Owned Chinese Firm

WOLFSBURG, Germany, September 9, 2016 (ENS) – Volkswagen and the Chinese corporation Anhui Jianghuai Automobile will explore joint development of electric vehicles in China, the two companies agreed in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed at VW headquarters in Wolfsburg on Tuesday. […]

tribal youth

Sioux Battle Dakota Access Pipeline in Court, on Site

WASHINGTON, DC, September 7, 2016 (ENS) – A federal judge Tuesday declined to halt construction on a part of the Dakota Access oil pipeline route west of Lake Oahe that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has recently identified as sacred tribal burial ground. The site was bulldozed on the Labor Day weekend by construction crews. […]

Latest News

New Census: 30% of Africa’s Savanna Elephants Dead

HONOLULU, Hawaii, September 5, 2016 (ENS) – Wildlife conservationists meeting in Honolulu for the IUCN’s World Conservation Congress are shocked and saddened by the release of the Great Elephant Census showing that numbers of African savanna elephants have declined by 30 percent between 2007 and 2014. […]

Latest News

IUCN: All Gorilla Species Now Critically Endangered

HONOLULU, Hawaii, September 4, 2106 (ENS) – “Our planet is most certainly at a crossroads,” declared Zhang Xinsheng, president of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature at the opening ceremony of the IUCN World Conservation Congress. A report from the conference today shows many of the world’s gorillas facing extinction. […]

Latest News

Global Partnership Aims to Save Lost Water

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, September 1, 2016 – The World Bank and the International Water Association declared their intentions at World Water Week today to establish a global partnership to help countries, especially the poorest, improve management of water that is pumped but then lost or unaccounted for. […]

electric cars
Latest News

Europe Charts New Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility

BRUSSELS, Belgium, August 31, 2016 (ENS) – The accelerating global shift towards low-carbon, circular economies has started, driving Europe’s need to accelerate the transition towards low-emission and zero-emission vehicles – a central pillar of the European Commission’s new mobility strategy. […]

At Risk

Fish-Killing Parasite Forces Yellowstone River Closure

BOZEMAN, Montana, August 29, 2016 (ENS) – A fish kill caused by a microscopic parasite prompted Montana wildlife officials to shut down 175 miles of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries to recreation last week. The unprecedented move was taken to prevent a parasite that causes kidney disease in fish from spreading. […]

No Picture

Broadband to Revitalize Appalachian Coal Country

WASHINGTON, DC, August 25, 2016 (ENS) – Ten communities in six states have been selected by the Obama Administration to participate in the Cool & Connected planning assistance program, a new initiative to help people use broadband service for downtown revitalization and economic development. […]