Floating wind turbine Maine

U.S. Awards First Offshore Wind Research Lease to Maine

WASHINGTON, DC, August 20, 2024 (ENS) – The first U.S. floating offshore wind energy research lease was granted to the State of Maine by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, BOEM, on Monday. The lease area covers nearly 15,000 acres located 28 nautical miles offshore Maine on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. […]

floating wind turbines

Biden Budgets $50M to Develop Floating Offshore Wind Industry

WASHINGTON, DC, September 16, 2022 (ENS) – The Biden Administration is launching a fleet of coordinated actions to develop floating offshore wind platforms, an emerging clean energy technology that will help the United States lead on offshore wind. Called the “Floating Offshore Wind Shot,” the new program will capture this potential to power millions of homes and businesses… […]

wind turbines UK

Global Net Zero Carbon Energy by 2050 Possible, Profitable

OXFORD, UK, September 13, 2022 (ENS) – Transitioning to a decarbonized energy system by around 2050 is expected to save the world at least US$12 trillion (£10.4 trillion), compared to continuing the current levels of fossil fuel use, according to a peer-reviewed study by Oxford University researchers, published in the journal “Joule” today. […]


Offshore Winds Blow Everywhere

BRUSSELS, Belgium, January 23, 2022 (ENS) – “Offshore wind has the biggest growth potential of any renewable energy technology, but the policy environment needs to improve rapidly for offshore wind to reach international net zero targets,” the Brussels-based Global Wind Energy Council said in its latest Offshore Wind Report 2021. […]


Strong Winds to Spin Power Turbines for Vietnam, Laos

TOKYO, Japan, June 22, 2021 (ENS) – Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation has just boosted development of what will be Southeast Asia’s largest onshore wind farm in southern Laos, by announcing a major investment in the project. Power from the wind farm will be sold to Vietnam Electricity […]