oil platform

ExxonMobil Agrees to Report Carbon Stranded Asset Risk

NEW YORK, New York, March 24, 2014 (ENS) – In response to a shareholder resolution, ExxonMobil, the largest U.S. energy company, for the first time has agreed to publish a Carbon Asset Risk report on the company website. The report will show investors ExxonMobil’s plans for a low-carbon future. […]


Obama Opens Vast Climate Data Resources to Public Use

WASHINGTON, DC, March 20, 2014 (ENS) – The White House, federal agencies and private partners Wednesday unveiled the Climate Data Initiative, a project that gives local leaders across the country information to plan for the impacts of climate change while building resilience. […]


Smoggy Paris Tries Odd-Even License Plate Strategy

PARIS, France, March 18, 2014 (ENS) – In response to the thick blanket of smog that settled over Paris last week, Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault limited city traffic on Monday to drivers with odd numbered license plates. On Tuesday, only drivers with even numbered plates can use their vehicles. […]


Obama Warns Canada, Mexico on Climate Impacts of Keystone XL

TOLUCA, Mexico, February 20, 2014 (ENS) – Without revealing any decision, President Barack Obama Wednesday made his strongest statement to date on the potential environmental impact of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. The cross-border pipeline proposed by TransCanada would carry oil from the Alberta tar sands to Texas refineries. […]


California Lawmakers Offer $687 Million Drought Relief Bill

SACRAMENTO, California, February 20, 2014 (ENS) – With California suffering its worst water shortage crisis in modern history, state elected officials Wednesday announced new legislation that would provide $687.4 million to help communities deal with the devastating dry conditions and fund increases to local water supplies. […]


Obama, Hollande Cooperate on 2015 Global Climate Change Pact

WASHINGTON, DC, February 11, 2014 (ENS) – The leaders of France and the United States today agreed to expand their work to curb climate change in advance of the United Nations climate summit next year in Paris, where the world is expected to forge a global climate agreement to take effect in 2020. […]

Jim Yong Kim

World Bank Head Calls for Carbon Pricing to Rescue Climate

DAVOS, Switzerland, January 27, 2014 (ENS) – At the World Economic Forum in Davos, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim called for a price on carbon, requiring companies to disclose their climate risk exposure, and greater investment in green bonds in the fight against climate change. […]


UK Floods Persist, Cameron Blames Climate Change

LONDON, UK, January 9, 2014 (ENS) – The River Thames continues to rise in response to recent heavy rainfall, and the south of England should be prepared for further flooding this week from groundwater and rivers, warns the UK Environment Agency. Prime Minister David Cameron Wednesday told Parliament he now believes climate change is to blame. […]

power plant

Funders Behind Climate Change Denial Hide Donations

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, January 2, 2014 (ENS) – Most donations behind the climate change denial effort in the United States are “dark money,” or concealed funding, finds the first peer-reviewed, comprehensive analysis ever conducted of the sources of funding behind the campaign. […]


Acidifying Oceans Alarm Hundreds of Scientists

PARIS, France, November 27, 2013 (ENS) – Climate change is causing the world’s oceans to acidify at rates not seen for the last 55 million years, and the only way to moderate this danger is to reduce human emissions of carbon dioxide, conclude 540 scientists from 37 countries in a new report. […]