
U.S. Opens Alaska Reserve to Onshore, Offshore Drilling

ANCHORAGE, Alaska, August 13, 2012 (ENS) – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today proposed to allow oil and gas development in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, NPR-A. Salazar said the plan would protect caribou herds, bird habitat and subsistence hunting for Alaska Natives. […]


Groups Seeking Oil Spill Dispersant Rule Sue EPA

WASHINGTON, DC, August 7, 2012 (ENS) – A coalition of conservation, wildlife and public health groups in the Gulf of Mexico region and in Alaska filed a Clean Water Act lawsuit Monday to compel the U.S. EPA to issue a rule on oil dispersant chemicals. […]

Indian Point

U.S. Freezes All Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Decisions

WASHINGTON, DC, August 7, 2012 (ENS) – Federal nuclear regulators today froze at least 19 final reactor licensing decisions in response to a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit that spent nuclear fuel stored on-site at nuclear power plants “poses a dangerous, long-term health and environmental risk.” […]

Hispanic Vote sign

Poll: Latino Voters Favor Clean Energy Economy

WASHINGTON, DC, August 1, 2012 (ENS) – An overwhelming majority of Latino voters who responded to a new public opinion poll support clean energy, are very concerned about the public health effects of fossil fuel production and use, believe that global climate change is happening, and want to protect the nation’s public lands. […]