reef sharks
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State of the Oceans Alarms World Leaders

LISBON, Portugal, July 1, 2022 (ENS) – Heads of state, world leaders, and government officials wrapping up their week-long meeting in Lisbon at the UN Ocean Conference admitted to being “deeply alarmed by the global emergency facing the ocean.” Across the planet, coastal erosion, rising sea levels, warmer and more acidic waters, marine pollution, overexploitation of fish populations and a steep decline in marine biodiversity are getting worse… […]

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Governments Agree to Draft Global Plastic Pollution Treaty

NAIROBI, Kenya, March 3, 2022 (ENS) – To tackle plastic pollution accumulating across the globe, governments at the UN Environment Assembly here Tuesday approved the start of talks later this year to draft a legally binding agreement – a treaty – that would promote sustainable production and consumption of plastics and prevent their pollution of the environment. […]

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Sea Shepherd Targets Ocean Criminals With ‘Age of Union’ Ship

MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada, January 10, 2022 (ENS) – The movement to protect marine wildlife took a giant a leap forward this week as a brand new nonprofit environmental organization, the Age of Union Alliance, announced a US$4.5 million donation to Sea Shepherd, the global NGO that partners with governments to fight illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing throughout the world. […]

ocean painting
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Coronavirus Concerns Shape World Oceans Day 2020

NEW YORK, New York, June 8, 2020 (ENS) – The World Oceans Day Theme for 2020 is “Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean,” but the coronavirus pandemic is top-of-mind today as the world focuses on the health of the oceans. “Oceans and fishing have been dramatically impacted by the coronavirus pandemic,” Andy Sharpless blogged today to mark World Oceans Day 2020. […]

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Trump Kills Obama’s Atlantic Ocean Monument Designation

BANGOR, Maine, June 5, 2020 (ENS) – Today, President Donald Trump traveled to Bangor, Maine to issue a proclamation that opens up the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument to commercial fishing, threatening the destruction of this sensitive, biologically important marine reserve. It’s the latest in a long list of Trump’s environmental attacks launched under cover of national and international crises. […]