Supreme Court 2024

SCOTUS Decisions Cancel, Imperil Environmental Protections

WASHINGTON, DC, July 1, 2024 (ENS) – The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today in favor of Corner Post, Inc., a truckstop in rural North Dakota, and other rulings issued last week, alter the statute of limitations and other rules for challenging agency actions, threatening the stability of the laws that provide the United States with protections from the unchecked power of corporations such as polluting industries. […]

spraying oilseed rape field

NEW YORK: First to Protect Birds, Bees From Neonic Pesticides

ALBANY, New York, January 30, 2024 (ENS) – New York Governor Kathy Hochul has signed into law first-in-the-nation legislation to protect birds and bees from toxic neonicotinoid pesticides used on outdoor ornamental plants and turfs, and the seeds of corn, soybeans and wheat. This law is the first in the United States to limit neonicotinoid coating on seeds. […]

wildfire Cuba 2023

UN Climate Summit Opens With US$400M for Loss and Damage Fund

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, November 30, 2023 (ENS) – “This year’s climate conference comes as the crisis enters a new phase – and shows its full force, harming billions of people, and costing trillions,” UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell declared in a video message to the world Wednesday on the eve of the UN climate summit COP28. He detailed progress and setbacks in the year since COP27 in Egypt, and set out expectations for COP28, which opened today and runs through December 12 in the gleaming, high-rise city of Dubai. […]

ConocoPhillips Alaska

Conservationists Sue to Stop ConocoPhillips Alaska Oil Venture

ANCHORAGE, Alaska, March 16, 2023 (ENS) – Warning that the U.S. government’s environmental review fails to account for the full climate impact of oil development in Alaska, five of America’s largest conservation groups have filed a lawsuit to stop ConocoPhillips’ Willow oil project in the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska, which the Biden Administration approved Monday. […]


Climate Activists Can’t Wait, Biden Can’t Wait Either

WASHINGTON, DC, October 16, 2021 (ENS) – At least 300 people were arrested at the White House last week while demonstrating to demand that President Joe Biden declare a climate emergency and halt all new fossil fuel projects. The People vs. Fossil Fuels protesters want the leasing of public lands for fossil fuel extraction stopped, now. […]

Latest News

Watertech Startup Products Make Blue-Green Algae Commit Suicide

TZUR HADASSAH, Israel, August 3, 2021 (ENS) – BlueGreen Water Technologies, Ltd., a global watertech company that provides innovative solutions to toxic algae blooms, has been named the Global Water Awards 2021 Breakthrough Technology Company of the Year by the publisher Global Water Intelligence. […]


Bezos Opens $10 Billion Earth Fund With Climate Grants

SEATTLE, Washington, November 17, 2020 (ENS) – Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, the world’s wealthiest person, is giving nearly $800 million to 16 environmental groups in the first donations from his $10 billion Earth Fund. in February, Bezos announced the creation of his personal $10 billion Earth Fund, designed to support what Bezos has called “needle-moving solutions” to the climate crisis. […]