sharks, sunset, Maldives
Latest News

EU Hosts Global Ocean Meetings, Sets Goals, Raises Billions

BARCELONA, Spain, May 5, 2024 (ENS) – The 2024 Ocean Decade Conference, held in Barcelona from April 10 to 12, attracted over 1,500 participants from 124 countries and thousands of online viewers. Under the theme “The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want,” this conference emerged as one of the largest-ever gatherings of the global oceanic community. […]

GEF Council

Global Environment Fund Gives $1B+ to Help Climate, Species

WASHINGTON, DC, February 9, 2024 (ENS) – The Global Environment Facility’s 186 member governments have agreed to invest $1.1 billion for international action on biodiversity, climate change, nature renewal, and pollution control, during the GEF’s first meeting as the Council of the new Global Biodiversity Framework Fund, GBFF. […]

sunrise Uruguay
Latest News

Earth Commission: ‘Sick’ Planet Needs Safe and Just Treatment

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, May 31, 2023 (ENS) – Humans are taking “colossal risks with the future of civilization and everything that lives on Earth,” a new Earth Commission study published today in the journal “Nature” concludes. Forty researchers from across the globe delivered the first quantification of “safe and just Earth system boundaries” on both global and local levels… […]

wildlife arrest Chile
Latest News

Earth’s Biodiversity Crisis Activates Governments, Police

LYON, France, December 7, 2022 (ENS) – A wildlife and timber trading law enforcement crackdown by the international police force Interpol and the World Customs Organization has yielded more than 900 arrests and the disruption of wildlife and timber crime networks globally. Police and Customs officials have made have 2,200 seizures and identified 141 companies they suspect of engaging in illegal sales. […]


French Companies Integrate Biodiversity Impact Assessment

PARIS, France, October 27, 2020 (ENS) – A tool that will allow investors to measure how their investments impact biodiversity – the diversity of plants and animals – is one step closer to completion now that a consortium of some of France’s largest investors have selected the Iceberg Data Lab based in Paris and the French environmental consulting company I Care & Consult as the developers of the tool. […]