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Wild Tiger Numbers Up: First Time in 100 Years

NEW DELHI, India, April 11, 2016 (ENS) – The number of tigers living in the wild has increased to 3,890 animals, the first uptick in the global wild tiger population in 100 years, World Wildlife Fund and the Global Tiger Forum announced today. […]

algae waves
Latest News

U.S. Working Group Fights Toxic Algae

WASHINGTON, DC, April 10, 2016 (ENS) – In-depth scientific research and broad-based communications are both needed to get control of harmful algal blooms and low-oxygen conditions called hypoxia in U.S. waters, advises a new report to Congress. […]

Latest News

Satellite Data Helps Detect Harmful Algal Blooms

WASHINGTON, DC, April 9, 2016 (ENS) – Freshwater polluted by harmful algal blooms costs the United States at least $64 million a year. Now four federal agencies are collaborating on a $3.6 million research project to transform satellite data into information in formats that managers can use. […]

Latest News

U.S. Tightens Rules for Captive Tiger Trade

WASHINGTON, DC, April 8, 2016 (ENS) – To strengthen tiger protection, the U.S. government has finalized a rule declaring that captive tigers of unknown genetic background or crosses between different subspecies, known as “generic” tigers, are no longer exempt from permitting requirements. […]

Latest News

Heat Stress Killing Corals on Great Barrier Reef

TOWNSVILLE, Queensland, Australia, April 6, 2016 (ENS) – The most pristine section of the world largest coral reef is experiencing the worst mass bleaching event in history, scientists have determined during aerial and in-water surveys of the Great Barrier Reef. […]

New Delhi
Latest News

India Continues Diesel Ban, Aims for 100% EVs by 2030

NEW DELHI, India, April 1, 2016 (ENS) – India’s Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the ban on the registration of vehicles powered by large diesel engines in the National Capital Region will continue until further notice. The government wants every car on India’s roads to be an electric vehicle by 2030. […]

drilling platform

Rockefeller Family Fund to Divest ExxonMobil Holdings

NEW YORK, New York, March 30, 2106 (ENS) – The Rockefeller Family Fund expressed today its intent to divest from its investments in fossil fuels. At the same time, the Fund blamed the largest U.S. petroleum company, ExxonMobil, for “morally reprehensible conduct.” […]


Toxic Chemical Still in Can Linings of Popular Foods

WASHINGTON, DC, March 30, 2016 (ENS) – A new report from six health and environmental groups finds 67 percent of nearly 200 food cans from dozens of brands and retailers tested positive for Bisphenol A, a hormone-disrupter linked to increased risk of breast and prostate cancers, infertility and diabetes. […]

Land Use/Forests

UN: Water, Forests and Jobs All Interdependent

ROME, Italy, March 22, 2016 (ENS) – Nearly half of the world’s workers are employed in water-related sectors, while at the same time, the water security of eight out of 10 people is under threat, the United Nations said today, highlighting the links between water, forests and jobs. […]


Earth Hour 2016: Lights Off to ‘Change Climate Change’

SINGAPORE, March 18, 2016 (ENS) – On Saturday, March 19 at 20:30 local time, hundreds of millions around the world will turn off the lights for Earth Hour to give the planet a rest from burning fossil fuels and demonstrate their desire to “change climate change,” this year’s theme. […]

oil rig

Obama Halts Atlantic Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing

WASHINGTON, DC, March 17, 2016 (ENS) – The Obama Administration is withdrawing the middle and southern Atlantic seaboard from its next five-year offshore oil and gas leasing plan after objections from the Pentagon and from coastal communities in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. […]

Latest News

New Tyrannosaurus Species Discovered in Uzbekistan

WASHINGTON, DC, March 16, 2016 (ENS) – A newly discovered species of dinosaur, named Timurlengia euotica, lived about 90 million years ago and fills a 20 million-year gap in the fossil record of tyrannosaurs, finds new research by a team of American, Russian and Scottish scientists. […]

Latest News

Malawi Torches Tonnes of Contraband Ivory

MZUZU, Malawi, March 15, 2016 (ENS) – Malawian authorities burned 2.6 tonnes of ivory to ashes at a ceremony Monday at Mzuzu Nature Sanctuary in the northern region. This high profile event was witnessed by police, wildlife officials, Malawi Defense Forces, National Audit officials, members of the judiciary, conservationists, local and international observers and the media. […]