Parmon, Sechin

Innovative Motor Fuel Chemist Wins Global Energy Prize

MOSCOW, Russia, July 22, 2016 (ENS) – Russian chemist Dr. Valentin Parmon has won the 2016 Global Energy Prize for his work with new generation catalysts for the production of diesel and other motor fuels, fuel production from plant materials, and for the transformation of solar energy into chemical energy. […]

Latest News

New Partnerships Shield Vulnerable Small Island States

NEW YORK, New York, July 19, 2016 (ENS) – United Nations Headquarters was bustling with activity on Monday, full beyond capacity as island dwellers from around the world gathered for the Multi-Stakeholder Partnership in the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Goals. […]

At Risk

UNESCO Protects Natural Areas of World Heritage Value

ISTANBUL, Turkey, July 18, 2016 (ENS) – The World Heritage Committee has inscribed nine new natural, or mixed natural and cultural, sites on the List of World Heritage: one transnational site – in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan – and others in Canada, Chad, China, India, Iraq, Iran, Mexico and Sudan. […]

Sanders, Clinton

Democrats’ Platform Eco-Friendly, Republicans’ Not

WASHINGTON, DC, July 14, 2016 (ENS) – The Democratic and Republican platform planks on the environment, energy and climate change couldn’t be more different. The Democrats appear to be fully engaged in protection and restoration, while the Republicans are not. […]

At Risk

Dams, Logging, Poaching Threaten World Heritage

ISTANBUL, Turkey, July 12, 2016 (ENS) – Of all the world’s unique natural areas threatened by logging, poaching, dam development and gillnet fishing, the International Union for Conservation of Nature is advising the United Nations to place five of them on the List of Heritage in Danger. […]

Latest News

Chile’s Capital Wins 2017 Sustainable Transport Award

SANTIAGO, Chile, July 13, 2016 (ENS) – Chile’s capital city, Santiago, has just been awarded the honor of hosting Mobilize 2017, the new annual Sustainable Transport Summit put on by the New York-based multinational Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. […]

Latest News

29 African Nations Urge EU to Halt Elephant Slaughter

BRUSSELS, Belgium, July 4, 2016 (ENS) – In 25 years there may not be a single elephant remaining in Africa if current rates of killing continue. As the EU member States meet today to discuss their position on whether to ban the ivory trade, a delegation of the African Elephant Coalition is calling urgently on the EU to grasp a historic opportunity. […]

ozone hole

Antarctic Ozone Layer Begins to Heal

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, July 2, 2016 (ENS) – New research has identified clear signs that the gaping hole in the Antarctic ozone layer is beginning to close and could close permanently by mid-century. […]


Canadian Court Kills Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline

OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, July 1, 2016 (ENS) – Canada’s Federal Court of Appeal Thursday overturned the permits for Enbridge’s controversial Northern Gateway Pipelines project after the court found that the government of Canada failed to consult the First Nations affected as required by the Constitution. […]


North American Leaders Pledge Green Mobility Future

OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, June 30, 2016 (ENS) – The leaders of the United States, Canada, and Mexico met at the North American Leaders Summit Wednesday where they set an historic goal – to generate 50 percent clean power across North America by 2025. Clean transportation is a key part of the plan. […]


‘Defeat Device’ Settlement Costs VW Billions

WASHINGTON, DC, June 30, 2016 (ENS) – In two related settlements, one with the United States and the State of California, and one with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, Volkswagen has agreed to spend up to $14.7 billion to settle allegations of cheating emissions tests and deceiving car buyers. […]


TransCanada Asks $15 Billion for Keystone XL Rejection

WASHINGTON, DC, June 28, 2016 (ENS) – This weekend, TransCanada moved forward with a lawsuit against the United States under the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, seeking US$15 billion in damages due to President Barack Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. […]

Latest News

Wood Pulp Waste Converted to Stable, Blendable Biocrude

SYDNEY, Australia, June 22, 2016 (ENS) – Scientists with the Australian start-up Licella have devised a way to use biomass waste from the papermaking process to make a new petroleum substitute – biocrude oil – that has attracted the interest of Canadian pulp and paper producer Can […]

Maersk Wyoming

Maersk Slammed for Sidestepping EU Ship Recycling Law

BRUSSELS, Belgium, June 11, 2016 (ENS) – Indian and international environmental groups are taking Danish container ship giant Maersk to task for considering flagging its end-of-life vessels out of Danish or any other European registry to circumvent the European Ship Recycling Regulation and break the ships in India. […]


Hundreds of Cities Commit to Emissions Limits

WASHINGTON, DC, June 9, 2016 (ENS) – Cities today host more than half of the Earth’s human beings and account for about 70 percent of global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Now, 228 cities around the world are taking the lead on climate action, setting greenhouse gas reduction goals or targets. […]

No Picture

Congress Strengthens U.S. Chemical Safety Law

WASHINGTON, DC, June 8, 2016 (ENS) – By unanimous consent, the U.S. Senate passed a bill Tuesday that updates federal chemical safety protections for the first time in four decades. The measure gives the EPA new power to require safety assessments of chemicals found in ordinary products from toys and clothing to household cleansers. […]

Tsai Ing-Wen
Land Use/Forests

Land Use Challenges Taiwan’s First Female President

TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 6, 2016 (ENS) – Taiwan’s first female president, Tsai Ing-wen, has pledged to develop a program that will integrate national land-use planning, regional development and environmental sustainability. But civic groups are concerned about her lack of strong commitment and lack of detail about the policy. […]

dead elephant
Latest News

UNEP-INTERPOL Report: Environmental Crime on the Rise

NAIROBI, Kenya, June 5, 2016 (ENS) – “More than one quarter of the world’s elephant population has been killed in a decade,” according to the International Police, INTERPOL, and the UN Environment Programme in a new report that emphasizes the financial machinations behind environmental crimes such as poaching. […]