Land Use/Forests

Caribou, Old-growth Forest Losers in BC Logging Plans

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada, September 19, 2020 (ENS) – Days after the province of British Columbia announced a new provincial approach to old-growth forests, conservation groups are sounding the alarm on plans to log more than three square kilometres of intact rainforest north of Revelstoke, destroying critical habitat for the endangered southern mountain caribou. […]

oil palm
Land Use/Forests

Palm Oil Industry Funds Radar to Detect Deforestation

WASHINGTON, DC, April 27, 2020 (ENS) – Ten of the world’s largest palm oil producers and buyers are collaborating to support and fund the development of a new, publicly-available, radar-based forest monitoring system known as Radar Alerts for Detecting Deforestation, RADD. […]

Land Use/Forests

Global Deforestation Slows But Forests Still Shrinking

DURBAN, South Africa, September 15, 2015 (ENS) – Over the past 25 years the rate of global deforestation has slowed by more than 50 percent, even though the world’s forests continue to shrink as populations increase and forested land is developed, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization reports. […]


Earth’s Green Cover Increasing Despite Deforestation

SYDNEY, Australia, March 31, 2015 (ENS) – China’s large-scale tree planting efforts and increasing rainfall on three continents have contributed to an increase in the total amount of vegetation on Earth over the past decade – reversing previous global forest loss, an international team of scientists reports. […]

planting tree
Land Use/Forests

Global Forest Restoration Goal Grows

BONN, Germany, March 23, 2015 (ENS) – New forest restoration initiatives were announced by Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa at the second international Bonn Challenge conference on forest landscape restoration taking place in Germany on the weekend. […]

Land Use/Forests

CO2 Speeds Tropical Forest Growth, Slowing Climate Change

BOULDER, Colorado, January 18, 2015 (ENS) – Tropical forests have a bigger appetite for the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide than many scientists have believed – even greater than that of temperate forests, finds a new study led by NASA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, NCAR. […]