
Even Bleached-out Coral Reefs Can Yield Nutritious Seafood

LANCASTER, UK, January 9, 2022 (ENS) – Coral reefs damaged by rising ocean temperatures appear to be more resilient than scientists have realized. An international team studying damaged reefs has discovered an unexpected bright spot of hope for communities who depend upon coral reef fisheries for food security. […]


Green Values Shape Germany’s 2022 Government

BERLIN, Germany, January 8, 2022 (ENS) – In Germany’s September 2021 federal election, voters supported the Greens at historic levels, and Germany became the sixth and largest European Union Member State to have Green Party members in government, joining Austria, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, and Luxembourg. […]


World’s Largest Free Trade Agreement Takes Effect

CANBERRA, Australia, January 4, 2022 (ENS) – The world’s largest free trade agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, RCEP, entered into force on Saturday, January 1, giving 15 countries around the Pacific Rim access to trade with each other with fewer tariffs. […]