sharks, sunset, Maldives
Latest News

EU Hosts Global Ocean Meetings, Sets Goals, Raises Billions

BARCELONA, Spain, May 5, 2024 (ENS) – The 2024 Ocean Decade Conference, held in Barcelona from April 10 to 12, attracted over 1,500 participants from 124 countries and thousands of online viewers. Under the theme “The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want,” this conference emerged as one of the largest-ever gatherings of the global oceanic community. […]

UN Environment Assembly

UN Leader: ‘Our Climate is Imploding, Humanity Is to Blame’

NAIROBI, Kenya, March 1, 2024 (ENS) – On the final day of the sixth session of the UN Environment Assembly, UNEA-6, there was a supercharged mood on the UNEP campus, only hours after delegates left the venue feeling deflated after work on draft resolutions was not finalized as scheduled earlier in the week. […]

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Issues Green Bonds to Address Tough Challenges

HONG KONG, January 6, 2023 (ENS) – The Hong Kong government on Thursday announced the successful offering of US$5.75 billion worth of Green Bonds. The triple-currency offering is the largest Environmental, Social, and Governance, ESG, bond issuance in Asia, according to a statement from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, HKSAR, of China. […]

Latest News

Governments Agree to Draft Global Plastic Pollution Treaty

NAIROBI, Kenya, March 3, 2022 (ENS) – To tackle plastic pollution accumulating across the globe, governments at the UN Environment Assembly here Tuesday approved the start of talks later this year to draft a legally binding agreement – a treaty – that would promote sustainable production and consumption of plastics and prevent their pollution of the environment. […]