Monrovia residents

Ebola Recedes in West Africa, But ‘No Room for Complacency’

NEW YORK, New York, February 9, 2015 (ENS) – The World Health Organization has recorded a surge in new Ebola cases this past week, ending a series of declines that saw the number of new cases in the three hardest-hit countries – Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone – fall below 100 a week for the first time in seven months. […]


Scientists Aim to Boost City Residents’ Immune Systems

HELSINKI, Finland, January 15, 2015 (ENS) – Allergies and numerous autoimmune diseases, such as asthma and type 1 diabetes, have become more common in the past 50 years, especially in urban environments. Now a new research team is working to help the human immune system function better in cities. […]