organic girl

Poll: Americans Shop With Climate on Their Minds

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, June 21, 2013 (ENS) – Half of all Americans consider environmental impacts when deciding whether or not to buy a product at least occasionally, according to a new nationally representative survey on attitudes toward climate change. […]


G8 Leaders Pledge Global Climate Deal by 2015

LOUGH ERNE, Northern Ireland, June 19, 2013 (ENS) – Declarations of cooperation on climate change, extractive industries, nuclear safety and chemical weapons in Syria and marked this week’s meeting of the Group of Eight industrialized countries. […]

power plant

World ‘Drifting Off-track’ for Two Degree Climate Limit

LONDON, UK, June 10, 2013 (ENS) – The world is heading toward a skyrocketing global temperature increase of at least 3.6 degrees and up to 5.3 degrees Celsius, rather than the two degree Celsius increase that most scientists say is the safe upper limit, finds a report released today by the International Energy Agency. […]

Obama, Xi

U.S, China Presidents Agree on Joint Climate Protection

WASHINGTON, DC, June 10, 2013 (ENS) – For the first time, the United States and China will work together and with other countries to phase down the consumption and production of hydrofluorocarbons, HFCs, potent greenhouse gases used in refrigerators, air conditioners, and industrial applications. […]

climate delegates

UN Climate Negotiators in the Hot Seat

BONN, Germany, June 6, 2013 (ENS) – The fate of Earth’s climate hangs on UN climate negotiations taking place in Bonn this week to shape a global climate change agreement to be adopted by 2015 that would take effect in 2020. […]

Moniz, Poneman

Tesla Repays $465M Loan to New U.S. Energy Secretary

WASHINGTON, DC, May 27, 2013 (ENS) – On Wednesday, the day after Ernest Moniz was sworn in as the new U.S. Secretary of Energy, electric automaker Tesla Motors repaid the entire remaining balance on a $465 million loan from the Department of Energy – nine years sooner than required. […]


Mount Everest Glaciers Shrinking

MILAN, Italy, May 26, 2013 (ENS) – Glaciers in the Mount Everest region of the Himalayas have shrunk by 13 percent in the last 50 years and the snowline has shifted upward, finds a Nepalese scientist conducting research for his PhD studies at the University of Milan. […]

WEST speakers

Global Scientists, California Governor Call for Climate Action

MOUNTAIN VIEW, California, May 23, 2013 (ENS) – Warning that Earth is rapidly approaching a tipping point at which human impacts are causing alarming levels of harm to our planet, California Governor Jerry Brown today joined more than 500 scientists to release a call to action on climate change and other global threats to all humanity. […]


Atmospheric CO2 Hits 400 Parts Per Million Mark

MAUNA LOA OBSERVATORY, Hawaii, May 11, 2013 (ENS) – For the first time in human history, concentrations of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, CO2, have risen above 400 parts per million, ppm. Many climate scientists warn that 350 ppm is the safe upper limit for CO2 in the atmosphere. […]

air pollution

Air Pollution Linked to Hardening of the Arteries

ANN ARBOR, Michigan, April 30, 2013 (ENS) – Long term exposure to air pollution is linked to heart attacks and strokes because it speeds up hardening of the arteries, according to University of Michigan scientists and colleagues from across the United States. […]

sewage overflow

Superstorm Sandy Dumped 11 Billion Gallons of Sewage

NEW YORK, New York, April 30, 2013 (ENS) – Six months after Superstorm Sandy struck the U.S. Atlantic coast, data from the eight hardest hit states shows that 11 billion gallons of untreated and partially treated sewage flowed into waterways and city streets, reports Climate Central, an organization of scientists and journalists. […]


Earth Sets 1,400 Year Record for Warm Temperatures

NEW YORK, New York, April 24, 2013 (ENS) – Earth’s climate heated up more between 1971 and 2000 than during any other 30 year period in the last 1,400 years, scientists have found using new regional temperature reconstructions covering all continents. […]