Latest News

World’s Biggest Algae Bloom ‘Here to Stay’

ST. PETERSBURG, Florida, July 9, 2019 (ENS) – The largest bloom of macroalgae in the world, an unprecedented belt of brown algae, now stretches from West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico – and it’s likely here to stay warn scientists at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg’s College of Marine Science. […]


Counterfeit Food and Drink Seized in Global Operation

LYON, France, July 1, 2019 (ENS) – More than US$117 million worth of potentially dangerous fake food and drink was seized and 672 individuals arrested worldwide in Interpol’s latest Operation Opson. Tampered expiry dates on cheese and chicken, controlled medicines added to drink products and meat stored in unsanitary conditions were some of the offenses discovered… […]


Democratic Debaters Wrestle With Climate Change

MIAMI, Florida, June 29, 2019 (ENS) – Climate change was on the formal presidential debate agenda for the first time as 20 Democratic presidential candidates with their hopes pinned to the 2020 election debated for the first time in back-to-back sessions Wednesday and Thursday evenings at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Miami. […]

Latest News

Carbon-neutral Fuel Created from Sunlight and Air

ZURICH, Switzerland, June 25, 2019 (ENS) – An innovative technology that produces liquid hydrocarbon fuels from only sunlight and air has been developed by researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, known as ETH Zurich. For the first time anywhere in the world, scientists have demonstrated the entire thermochemical process chain… […]


Himalayan Glaciers’ Melt Doubled Since Year 2000

NEW YORK, New York, June 21, 2019 (ENS) – The melting of Himalayan glaciers caused by rising temperatures has accelerated sharply since the start of the 21st century, comprehensive new research shows. Climate change is eroding the Himalayas’ glaciers, threatening water supplies for hundreds of millions of people downstream across much of Asia, the study demonstrates. […]


Trudeau Greenlights Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion

OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada, June 18, 2019 (ENS) – Canada’s federal cabinet has approved the twinning of the existing Trans Mountain pipeline that will carry diluted bitumen from the oil sands near Edmonton, Alberta to Burnaby, British Columbia, over the objections of Indigenous First Nations peoples and environmentalists. […]


Global Population to Hit 11 Billion by 2100, Then Slow

NEW YORK, New York, June 17, 2019 (ENS) – There will be roughly 9.7 billion people living on Earth by the year 2050, an increase of two billion over today’s population, finds a UN population report released today. India is predicted to overtake China, today’s most populous country by 2050; and the population of sub-Saharan Africa is projected to double. […]


Public Lands Critic to Oversee Fish, Wildlife and Parks

WASHINGTON, DC, June 11, 2019 (ENS) – The Secretary of the Interior keeps illegally shuffling political officials into jobs requiring Senate confirmation, according to a legal complaint filed today by the nonprofit Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, PEER. […]

Latest News

Canada to Ban Throw-Away Plastics by 2021

MONT-SAINT-HILAIRE, Quebec, Canada, June 10, 2019 (ENS) – Canada intends to ban “harmful” single-use plastics as early as 2021 and hold companies responsible for plastic waste, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today. “Canadians know first-hand the impacts of plastic pollution, and are tired of seeing their beaches, parks, streets, and shorelines littered with plastic waste. […]

Latest News

Nano Villain Blamed for Oil Pipeline Corrosion

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, June 7, 2019 (ENS) – A form of nanoscale corrosion is responsible for unpredictable breaks in the steel pipelines that carry oil, decreasing their working life, new research has found. The universal use of steel in pipeline infrastructure makes aqueous steel corrosion a global concern, with negative effects in most industrial sectors. […]


World Environment Day: Clean Air to Stabilize Climate

NEW YORK, New York, June 6, 2019 (ENS) – “It is time to act decisively. My message to governments is clear: tax pollution; end fossil fuel subsidies; and stop building new coal plants. We need a green economy, not a grey economy,” declared UN Secretary-General António Guterres Wednesday in a video message to mark the 45th annual World Environment Day, with its theme of beating air pollution. […]


US Fertilizer Plants Emit 100 Times the Methane Reported

ITHACA, New York, June 6, 2019 (ENS) – Emissions of the potent greenhouse gas methane from the ammonia fertilizer industry have been greatly underestimated, finds new research from Cornell University and the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund. The methane emissions were higher than the EPA’s estimate for all industrial processes in the United States. […]

Land Use/Forests

Court Blocks Controversial Oregon Grazing Permits

PORTLAND, Oregon, June 4, 2019 (ENS) – A federal judge in Oregon today granted conservation groups’ motion to block livestock from using public lands allotments near the town of Burns in central Oregon during the month of June. The temporary restraining order was issued in response to a lawsuit challenging former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s order to reinstate the grazing permits, overriding the Bureau of Land Management. […]

Latest News

Powering Jet Planes With Plastic Waste

RICHLAND, Washington, June 4, 2019 (ENS) – Scientists have found a way to turn daily-use plastic waste products into jet fuel. In a method described in a new paper in the journal “Applied Energy,” a research group led by Washington State University Associate Professor Hanwu Lei melted plastic waste at a high temperature with activated carbon to produce jet fuel. […]

Latest News

British Columbia Bans Sale of Gas-powered Cars by 2040

VICTORIA, British Columbia, Canada, June 1, 2019 (ENS) – In a move aimed at removing a major source of air pollution and climate change, the provincial government has put British Columbia on a path to require the sale of all new light-duty cars and trucks to be zero-emission vehicles by the year 2040. British Columbia Wednesday passed a law curbing the production and sale of gasoline-fueled cars in the province. […]


Governments Cue Hydrogen for Global Clean Energy Role

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Canada, June 1, 2019 (ENS) – Hydrogen is on the move. At the Clean Energy Ministerial meeting Friday in Vancouver, governments announced a new international hydrogen partnership under the leadership of Canada, the European Commission, Japan, the Netherlands and the United States, with participation from several other CEM member countries. […]

Latest News

Leopard Seals Recognized as New Zealand Residents

AUCKLAND, New Zealand, May 31, 2019 (ENS) – New Zealand’s newest residents like being alone, have leopard-like spots, and can each weigh up to 600 kilos (1,320 pounds). This week leopard seals have gone from being officially classified as vagrants, to recognition as residents of New Zealand. […]

Land Use/Forests

NGOs Buy Grazing Rights to Protect Argentina’s Species

NEW YORK, New York, May 30, 2019 (ENS) – The largest protected area in Argentina’s Patagonian steppe, inhabited by wildlife such as the guanaco, the Andean cat, and Andean condor, has now been further secured by conservation groups that have arranged to buy the grazing rights on the reserve from livestock producers. […]