
Runways Underwater: Rising Seas Threaten 80 Airports

WASHINGTON, DC, February 8, 2020 (ENS) – At least 80 airports around the world could be underwater if climate change causes sea levels to rise just one meter (39 inches), which scientists at the United Nations’ expert climate panel predict is likely to occur by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. […]


Green v Black: Greenpeace Protests BlackRock’s Coal Funding

FRANKFURT, Germany, February 4, 2020 (ENS) – Greenpeace Germany supporters protested at global investment firm BlackRock’s German headquarters Monday, to tell the firm to stop investing in coal and financing climate change as the majority shareholder of Siemens, a telecommunications provider for the Adani coal mine in Australia. […]

At Risk

Trump’s Far-Reaching Rollbacks of Environmental Rules

NEW YORK, New York, February 3, 2020 (ENS) – New York State Attorney General Letitia James, leading a coalition of 15 state attorneys general and the City of Philadelphia, is suing the Trump Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, for gutting safeguards for those exposed to dangerous chemical accidents. […]

At Risk

WHO, China Leaders Plan Battle Against Wuhan Virus

BEIJING, China, January 29, 2020 (ENS) – Director-General of the World Health Organization, WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, met Tuesday with China’s President Xi Jinping in Beijing. They shared the latest information on the novel coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV) outbreak and reiterated their commitment to bring the deadly virus under control. […]


Walnuts Slow Cognitive Decline in At-risk Elderly

LOMA LINDA, California, January 28, 2020 (ENS) – Eating walnuts may help slow cognitive decline in at-risk groups of elderly people, according to a study conducted by researchers in California and Spain. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols, which have been found to counteract oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are drivers of cognitive decline. […]

Premier Li

Wuhan CoronaVirus Spreading, More Than 80 Have Died

WUHAN, China, January 27, 2020 (ENS) – A new strain of coronavirus is worrying doctors at the World Health Organization, WHO, and medical officials around the world. Doctors call it 2019-nCoV, but it’s more commonly known as the Wuhan coronavirus, named after the place where the virus emerged in December, Wuhan City, the capital of central China’s Hubei Province. […]


The Twin Threats Facing Big Oil

LONDON, UK, January 25, 2020 (ENS) – The global oil and gas industry is facing the twin threats of the loss of profitability and the loss of social acceptability as the climate crisis continues to worsen. The industry is not adequately responding to either of those threats, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency, IEA. […]


Trump, Thunberg Clash at World Economic Forum

DAVOS, Switzerland, January 21, 2020 (ENS) – After a year of floods and droughts, when wildfires devastated Australia and the Amazon, and Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year, the latest World Economic Forum’s annual Global Risks Report finds for the first time that environmental issues dominate leaders’ concerns for the future. […]


U.S. Youth Lose Court Climate Ruling, Vow to Fight On

EUGENE, Oregon, January 21, 2020 (ENS) – A divided three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has “reluctantly” concluded that the youth plaintiffs’ case in Juliana v. United States must be made to Congress, the President, or to the electorate at large. The decision finds federal courts cannot provide the youth with a remedy for their climate change injuries. […]

wind turbines

World Economic Forum 2020 Aims for Sustainability

DAVOS-KLOSTERS, Switzerland, January 12, 2020 (ENS) – This year’s annual meeting of the World Economic Forum will call on corporations to raise their ambitions for climate action under the theme Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World. The meeting’s 50th edition, opening January 21 for four days, will bring together over 3,000 participants from throughout the world. […]

At Risk

Thousands Flee Erupting Volcano Near Manila

MANILA, Philippines, January 12, 2020 (ENS) – Mount Taal, a volcano 40 miles south of Manila on the island of Luzon, blew rocks, ash, and steam more than six miles into the air Sunday. People living within 14 kilometers (8.6 miles) of the volcano were ordered to evacuate immediately. […]

At Risk

Earthquakes Plunge Puerto Rico Into Darkness

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, January 8, 2020 (ENS) – A 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck Puerto Rico early Tuesday, killing at least one person and leaving several others injured in the southern part of the Caribbean island, according to official reports. Over the past several weeks, hundreds of small earthquakes have occurred in this same region.  […]

Latest News

Climate, Logging Menace Madagascar’s Unique Ecology

NEW YORK, New York, January 2, 2020 (ENS) – Left unchecked, the combined effects of deforestation and human-induced climate change could eliminate Madagascar’s entire eastern rainforest habitat by 2070, impacting thousands of plants, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians endemic to the island nation, finds new research from The Graduate Center at the City University of New York […]

At Risk

Children, Hope of the World, At Risk

NEW YORK, New York, December 31, 2019 (ENS) – Young people are his greatest source of hope, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the world today in his New Year’s message. “From climate action to gender equality to social justice and human rights, your generation is on the frontlines and in the headlines,” he said. “I am inspired by your passion and determination.” […]


Weak COP25 Outcome Disappoints Despite Achievements

MADRID, Spain, December 16, 2019 (ENS) – Climate negotiations lasting 16 days failed to find common ground on international carbon trading rules, one of the important issues at the UN’s COP25 climate summit in Madrid, which wrapped Sunday with a weak accord despite urging from the United Nations and civil society groups to address the climate emergency with “ambition.” […]

infant lion
Latest News

New Animal Rules Rattle South African Tourism Industry

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, December 13, 2019 (ENS) – Interactions with all infant wildlife, walking with predators or elephants, interacting with predators and the riding of wild animals are no longer acceptable practices, according to the South African Tourism Services Association, SATSA. […]


Climate Activists Kicked Out of COP25 Are Readmitted

MADRID, Spain, December 12, 2019 (ENS) – Young activists who occupied the main stage at the United Nations’ COP 25 climate conference in Madrid, Spain on Wednesday during the “high-level” part of the meeting, demanding that world leaders do more to address the climate crisis, were ejected from the building and stripped of their badges. […]


New York State Bans Aerial Spraying of Chlorpyrifos

ALBANY, New York, December 11, 2019 (ENS) – New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Tuesday directed the state Department of Environmental Conservation, DEC, to take immediate action to ban aerial use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos. New restrictions on the toxic substance will protect New Yorkers, especially children, from adverse health impacts. […]