Flooded Porto Alegre, Brazil
At Risk

Brazilian Floods Expose Survivors to Waterborne Disease

PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil, May 28, 2024 (ENS) – “You got into the mud, walked through flood water and had symptoms of leptospirosis? Seek health care, as there is treatment and we have enough medication. Treatment cannot wait, don’t stay at home thinking it will go away, […]

Indigenous Demo Belem Summit
Land Use/Forests

Amazon Accord Elusive, But Leadership Summit Generates Hope

BELEM, Brazil, August 11, 2023, (ENS) – Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva this week hosted a two-day regional summit of the eight Amazon River basin countries seeking a plan to save the world’s largest rainforest. At their meeting in Belem on August 8 and 9, the eight leaders had intended to reach consensus on issues from deforestation to sustainable development in the Amazon in the first such conference in 14 years. […]