Floating wind turbine Maine

U.S. Awards First Offshore Wind Research Lease to Maine

WASHINGTON, DC, August 20, 2024 (ENS) – The first U.S. floating offshore wind energy research lease was granted to the State of Maine by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, BOEM, on Monday. The lease area covers nearly 15,000 acres located 28 nautical miles offshore Maine on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. […]

pregnant farmworkers
Latest News

Health Risk to Fetuses Prompts EPA to Ban Toxic Weed Killer

WASHINGTON, DC, August 8, 2024 (ENS) – For the first time in almost 40 years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is taking the emergency action of suspending all registrations of a pesticide under the federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, warning of health risks to babies in the womb. […]

Great Barrier Reef
Latest News

Mass Coral Bleaching Devastates the Great Barrier Reef

WOLLONGONG, New South Wales, Australia, August 8, 2024 (ENS) – A new 400-year temperature record published today shows the world’s largest coral reef is experiencing catastrophic damage. Warming sea temperatures and repeated mass coral bleaching events are threatening to destroy the ecology, biodiversity, and beauty of the Great Barrier Reef. […]