Tips for Completing LEGO The Incredibles - Basic Missions # 018

How to report another player's corpse

Playing as a crew member, sooner or later you will stumble upon the corpse of another player. They need to be reported every time, but it's worth preparing for - as we write in this guide.

Impostors raging across the map will kill other players. After each character is killed, there will be a body that you can report. If you get close to it, just click the Report icon in the right corner of the screen. A standard discussion and voting window will open, where you can tell about the latest events and vote for one of the players.

Before you report the body, you should prepare for this stage. First, check if another player ran out of the room where the corpse was. Also remember the name of the room they are in. During the interview, provide this information, as well as what you were doing before you found the body. This will increase the likelihood that others will believe you - and not throw you off the ship under the pretext of lying.

Scan the killer's bandages, catch the killer and attach a tracking device

As in the museum, scan the bandages on the roof in detective mode. However, the process will be interrupted and you will have to pursue the goal. Follow her across the rooftops until she stops and tries to attack you. Repel her attack. After a short cut scene, you will receive a new gadget - a linear launcher. You can use it to move quickly and get to places that are otherwise inaccessible.

Now all the interactions in the game, as well as the construction process, have become much faster. Follow the corridor and turn right until you reach the stairs. Stand on it and walk through the gate in front of you to continue.

How to collect secrets and get achievements

Complete the construction in the area of Urbem Heights and take the red brick, now secrets will not be a problem. After unlocking the red brick, don't forget to activate it! You can do this by pressing and holding the character selection button and going to the last menu tab.

To find collectibles that weren't marked on the map in LEGO The Incredibles and make it easier to find the challenges, you'll need a red brick called the Matching Detector. You will receive it after completing the super build in the Urbem Heights area. Activate it from the menu (press and hold the character selection button and go to the last tab) and you will be able to unlock all the secrets of Municiberg in no time! Platforma klassik oyunları innovativ inkişaflarla birləşdirən unikal təcrübə təqdim edir. Qabaqcıl axın texnologiyalarının tamamilə immersiv təcrübə yaratdığı canlı dilerlərlə oyunlar olan bölmə xüsusilə diqqətəlayiqdir. pinup casino PINUP həmçinin dünyanın istənilən yerində sevimli oyunlarınıza fasiləsiz çıxışı təmin edən mobil versiyası ilə seçilir. Oyun diapazonunda müntəzəm yeniləmələr və eksklüziv təkliflər platformaya hər səfəri unudulmaz macəraya çevirir.

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